Bis zur weiteren Verdichtung dieses Wissens von den Grundlagen, Wirkungen und Potenzialen des Seelengewahrseins bzw. Bewusstsein der Seele (welches nach C.G. Jung der "inneren Stimme entspricht) hier vorläufig einige Zitate dazu aus dem Buch: Soul Mind Body Science System von Zhi Gang Sha und Rulin Xiu (Dalles 1914):


Soul is a light being. It is also a vibrational field. This vibrational field is the essence of everyone and everything. ..To use a wave function to describe our essence—the soul—is not as abstract as you may think. Many people have already known this truth intuitively. People often say a person or a place has a “good vibe” or a “bad vibe.” People may say a person or a place has high or low frequency. These are comments about the wave function of the person or place. In essence, the comments are about the quality of the vibrational field—the soul—of the person or place.

            Quantum physics also explains the special abilities our soul possesses. For instance, our soul can know and affect things beyond space and time. According to quantum physics, two or more physical objects can be quantum entangled. The quantum entangled states are created from the same source. For quantum entangled objects, the experience of one object can instantly affect the state of the other objects. It does not matter where the other entangled objects are. Quantum entanglement is one of the properties of a wave function. It can account for the special soul abilities we all have, such as direct knowing, intuition, distant and instant healing, and more.



Soul is the boss. Soul is information. Soul is message. Soul gives information. Soul gives message. The heart is aware of, resonates with, receives, responds, and passes the message to the mind. The mind then receives, resonates with, and puts the message into action. Then, energy and matter will follow.



The more information, energy, and matter an object or a system can process, the more powerful the mind is. The more powerful the mind is, the faster it can manifest the heart’s desires, based on what the heart sees, feels, hears, senses, touches, moves, or knows.


In the Soul Mind Body Science System, the heart function is to be aware of, to resonate with, to receive the message from, and to respond to the soul. Heart responds to measurement in quantum physics. Our heart is crucial for manifesting our reality.


In the Soul Mind Body Science System, we define consciousness to be the awareness or measurement of the activities of mind. Subconsciousness is the activities of the mind that we are unaware of or that are not measured. In other words, consciousness is the heartfelt mind activities. Sub-consciousness is the activities of the mind that are not heartfelt. Our reality is made of all the consciousness we have. It takes both the heart and the mind to have consciousness. If one is not aware, one is not conscious. If one’s mind does not process information, energy, and matter, one can’t have consciousness either. The more aware our heart is, the more conscious we are. Note that even if one has a powerful mind, it does not mean that one is conscious. The heart is more crucial than the mind in determining the degree of consciousness one has.

            In the Soul Mind Body Science System, we define the reality of a being, an object, or a system to be the sum of all of the consciousness of that being, object, or system. From this definition, we can see that “reality” is different for different beings, objects, and systems. Reality for a being, an object, or a system depends upon the entire consciousness of that being, object, or system. Reality depends on one’s soul, heart, mind, and body. If everyone and everything has a different soul, heart, mind, and body, then no two beings, objects, or systems have the same “reality.” Is there an ultimate reality? Is there an ultimate truth? The Soul Mind Body Science System could answer these questions.


 Definition of Soul 

            The following are the key aspects of the soul:

            •  Soul is a light being.

            •  Soul is the essence of every aspect of life.

            •  Soul has unlimited potential and possibilities in all life.

            •  Soul is made of a vibrational field. Soul can be mathematically expressed as a wave function in quantum physics. This wave function expresses the various vibrations in the soul.


Definition of Heart 

            The heart’s function is to be aware. It is related to measurement in quantum physics. In the Soul Mind Body Science System, everyone and everything has a heart. The heart houses the mind and soul. The heart must be purified and inspired to receive the message from the soul and pass it to the mind. Therefore, the heart is vital to accomplishing one’s dreams and tasks in all life. The heart has important qualities that everyone and everything needs to purify and achieve:

            •  love

            •  forgiveness

            •  compassion

            •  light

            •  humility

            •  grace

            •  sincerity

            •  honesty

            •  integrity

            •  kindness

            •  generosity

            •  unconditional service

            and more.

            We emphasize again: according to the Soul Mind Body Science System, S + E + M = 1. S includes soul, heart, and mind. In order for healing or any action to occur in any aspect of life, the soul first gives a message. The heart must be inspired enough to accept the soul’s message and deliver it to the mind. If the heart is not inspired or ignores the message of the soul, things will not happen. Blockages could occur. Therefore, the heart plays a vital role in accomplishing any life task.

            Everyone’s heart has a different response to their soul’s message. The heart’s response depends on the quality and purity of the heart. Therefore, in quantum physics, the measurement of the heart varies with each person.

 Definition of Mind 

            The Soul Mind Body Science System indicates everyone and everything has a mind. Mind means consciousness. It includes the superconsciousness, consciousness, unconsciousness, subconsciousness, and more.

            As we explained earlier in this chapter, the mind receives guidance from the heart and then puts it into action. We always emphasize open the heart and soul; open the mind.

            The soul of everyone and everything has a unique vibration. This vibration includes jing qi shen. We will use a human being as an example. We believe in reincarnation. We do not have any intention to change your belief system. Thank you for the opportunity to share our personal insights.

            A human being has had hundreds, perhaps thousands, of lifetimes of experiences as a human being. The soul of a human being has experienced many occupations, countries, cultures, different abilities, and much more. However, can we say our soul knows everything? Of course not!

            Our soul is constantly studying and experiencing. Therefore, our beloved soul needs to open its own heart. Our physical heart also needs to open further. The same is true for the mind. Open the soul, heart, and mind further and further. Finally our soul, heart, mind, and body can realize the ultimate truth, which is Tao. Tao is The Source. Tao is The Way of all life. Tao is the universal principles and laws.

            The mind needs to purify to achieve the following qualities:

            •  openness

            •  love

            •  forgiveness

            •  compassion

            •  light

            •  humility

            •  grace

            •  sincerity

            •  honesty

            and more.


            If our mind has these qualities, then the mind will receive the heart message well and put it into right action. If our mind does not have these qualities, we could put the heart message into wrong action.


Mind is consciousness. The mind’s function is to evolve the soul by receiving the soul’s message and putting it into action. Mind processes the information, energy, and matter. Mind can be expressed as operators in quantum physics.

 Definition of Body 

            Body is related to the physical aspect of our existence. It includes the energy body and the matter body. The energy body relates to the ability of an object or a system to do physical work, such as lifting a weight. The matter body relates to physical qualities about the object or system, such as the mass content, the frequencies and wavelength, charge, spin, and other physically measurable quantities about the object and system.

            There are two key elements in the Soul Mind Body Science System. One is vibration. The other is resonance. Everything is made of jing qi shen. Jing is matter. Qi is energy. Shen includes soul, heart, and mind. Vibrations and vibrational fields are the carriers of jing qi shen. Our jing qi shen interacts with others’ jing qi shen and impacts them through resonance. Resonance is the exchange of vibrations. Resonance causes quantum entanglement or quantum correlation.


            The heart’s awareness is due to resonance. All measurement is through resonance. Awareness is resonance. The more you can resonate with others, the more awareness you have. The more you can resonate with others, the bigger your heart is. The more you can resonate with others, the more compassionate you are. The more you can resonate with others, the more impact you can have on others and the world.